Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why I am impressed by surfers against sewage in

Blessed child. I remember those innocent days as they were only yesterday. I didn't have a care facility in the world beyond to play with my fellow permutation Panini stickers and get totally cover of grime.

My companions and I would be carrying off the coast of the round, that the neighbourhood on our summer BMX reinforced water balloon and dreams of the next fight large pipe. Where he has been a very hot one of our moms we would take to the beach where we would while away the time to build sand castles, playing in the sea, catch crabs and human feces. Excuse me? What was it? Feces? Why I was enjoying this reverie you little scamp. Why did you bring the feces? Why indeed?

Britain in the 1980s

In the 1980s, Britain was not Golden chromium lambrissé; is your city my city today Britain identikit. He was much more hot potched, Manila ram and strewn with litter. You were much more likely to have an independent grocers, butchers and candle stick makers Tesco Metro, one on the corner and I thought it was all the better for it (well outside the litter).

But there is one thing that I don't miss. You see call me Arthur Von hygiene Von Ticklebottom, but I don't miss the daily gauntlet of the diaphragm human excrement, buffers and other such desirable, each time that I went for a swim in the sea. It is with reason that Britain was known as dirty man of Europe in those days.

The advent of surfers against sewage

It is against this backdrop of human progress Surfers against sewage formed in 1990 to encompassing of "give the polluters and water companies a big black eye ruddy" (I paraphrase of course but I am sure that was the essence of this). Since then these bastions of decency have campaigned against the water companies, industry and the Government to stop the filling of the sea with toxic chemicals, effluents of wastewater and nuclear waste.

You see you would be forgiven for thinking that just perhaps, perhaps, the long history of Great Britain was high to a people able to understand that these contents belonged in the sea, that perhaps the marine environment which we take so much pleasure, food and such like, was not the ideal discharge for the type of most jihadist groups would like to focus on toxins. Alas not.

Instead, he fell to a disparate group of surfers, marine environmental protectors and the people who loved their dogs to walk on the beaches just without the need of combinations of body radiation and boots to form an organization which would be held to account. Through their efforts hard campaigns and tireless raise, know the damage caused to the marine environment and our own health Surfers against sewage (SAS) have managed to clean up the huge sections of the British coast and restore to their former glory.

All this is done by the work and dedication of volunteers countless, and reflects good continue of this well organized NGOs can do when political inertia and the powers of the lobbyists of large companies are the status quo.

While much has been done there is still much work to do. UK water companies continue to discharge raw sewage into the rivers under the guise of sewer overflows. Marine waste remains a problem constant like the transport of highly toxic chemicals across the seas. But thanks to SAS, at least, there is a single organization, you can put your faith in and support to get things done. After all not all children should be frightened by the memory of catching something less desirable than the crabs in their net crab.

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